Well folks, this is the end of a remarkable adventure. Hazel and I want to thank you all for your support, comments and for just reading this.
I want to finish with some statistics.
We had 23 riding days to cover 2412 km at an average speed of 24 kph. Hazel spent 104 hours on the saddle. The longest ride was 177 km while the highest climb took us to 1037m.
We had over thirty media references. Three riders, Alison, Dave and Hazel rode the entire distance. There were seven core riders and about five support people for most of the tour.
Over 100 different riders joined for at least one stage.
Hazel managed to raise about $2400 for the Mental Health Foundation while the total for the entire event almost reached $25000.
That’s all from the Tour de Aoteoroa. We will see you all soon.
Congratulations Haze!!!! and wingman!!!